Planet zoo habitat ideas
Planet zoo habitat ideas

planet zoo habitat ideas

Players can view guests comments concerning the zoo, exhibits, stores, and decorations.

planet zoo habitat ideas

This is only available in the Sandbox Mode and must have an internet connection.

  • Planet Zoo offers an internet cpabaility that allows players to connect with each other and visit each other's zoos, compete in challenges, and trade animals/objects with each other.
  • The player can expand each animal house three times adding three more exhibits and enlarging the house It depends on the house but five to ten exhibits are typical. Upon constructing an animal house, the player can begin adding exhibits into the animal house.
  • Planet Zoo also has various animal houses for purchase upon unlocking certain levels.
  • Players can name the exhibit upon completing an exhibit. as well as place foliage, rocks, and other items the player discovers while researching. Players can "paint" the terrain into the exhibit according to what they find in their research, create cliffs, valleys, hills, rivers, lakes, ponds, beaches, etc. There are also fences that reflect a certain biome or environment such as the previous mention stone rock fencing which is suitable for alpine animals or sandrock fencing for desert animals.
  • In order to create a natural exhibit, the player can choose a variety of barries which include chain-link fencing, concrete-glass fencing, stone rock fencing, or moat fencing.
  • Each animal has a different requirement so it is important to pay attention to these. Once the research it completed, the player can begin to construct the exhibit and using the materials they read in crafting an exhibit that makes the animal happy. As well, completing the research will also open the animal up in the game mode: The Library which is discussed down below. Researches will often reveal what kind of landscapping the animal prefers, what type of food it likes, what kind of enrichment it needs, breeding habits, and other various information. Researches can take anywhere from one to twenty minutes depending the animal and the level of research. Common animals typically need only two researches while a rare may take six or 8 researches. Players pay money to research about a certain animal that purchased. Once completed, any purchased animals can be viewed here. This is done by building a Research Center.
  • After purchasing an animal, significant research must be done in order to construct the exhibit and showcase the particular animal.
  • Unlocking new levels will also unlock new animals that can be purchased/acquired through these various methods. Players, by purchasing a Species Survival Plans Coordinator (S.S.P.C), can participate in various programs that will help bring in new and more exciting animals. The player can purchase new animals through establishing relationships with various zoos and aquariums, donations by private collectors, rescues/abandoned animals, or a trade with another zoo. This is due to the fact that Planet Zoo intends to re-create the zoo process.
  • Players may be surprised but upon starting a zoo, they will find that none of the animals will be available.
  • Upon achieving a new level, new items and onjects including animals are available for purchase. Players can level up by compelling Zoo Goals, Zoo Missions, Guest Requests, and achieving milestones such as 100 guests or 10 animals.
  • Planet Zoo incorporates a leveling system from 1 to 100.
  • Planet Zoo differs from other zoo simulation games in many ways.


    Planet Zoo will immerse players in a 3D world zoo where they must not only learn how to acquire and take care of animals but also how to manage and budget a zoo, respond to guests wishes and desires, as well as participating in conversation efforts.

    Planet zoo habitat ideas